Sensory Curriculum
The sensory Curriculum is based on the topics above. Our Sensory Curriculum at Two Rivers Primary School is based on providing child-centred, individualised learning opportunities for all children through a play-based provision. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to inform and guide our delivery of the 6 areas of learning: Communication, Language and Literacy, Mathematical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
The delivery of the curriculum is based around learning through play to engage children with active learning, exploration and becoming a critical thinker; with a two-year topic cycle to ensure breadth and balance of learning, through each phase of education. We base children’s individualised curriculum and goals around the outcomes in their EHCP to ensure that learning is relevant and personalised.
Communication, Language and Literacy
One of our core objectives throughout the school is to provide children with a purposeful and effective means to communicate. If children are given the opportunity and a means to communicate, they can achieve! We work very closely with experienced Speech and Language Therapists who provide training to all our staff, enabling our children to receive appropriate support and teaching strategies throughout their school day.
We are also fortunate enough to have Makaton tutors on site. All staff are trained in Makaton and use this throughout the day and some teach this in communication groups.
Our school library provides a rich learning environment full of a variety of different books to meet every reader’s interest and need. Reading is an essential, transferable life-skill and it is important that every pupil at Two Rivers Primary School is provided with the opportunity to learn to read at a level that is suitable, achievable and enriching for them. Strategies used to teach reading are tailored to each individual child’s need, and for those ready to use a structure phonics approach, we use Bug Club Phonics.
Cognition/Mathematical Development
In mathematical development, we aim to teach our curriculum though a range of functional exploration skills. We include lots of problem solving in play and real-life situations. The children at Two Rivers Primary enjoy taking part in our cultural capital curriculum offer – which provides many opportunities to problem solve in real life situations.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
In PSED, our children are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that promote self-confidence, wellbeing and being actively involved in the world around them. We utilise Jigsaw outdoors and the equals scheme – not to mention having some relaxing yoga and meditation activities, which while being fun, allow children to feel peace, joy and fulfilment. We promote independence as much as possible through real life experiences such as cooking where the children have opportunities to develop their self-help and life skills. We have high-quality input from Occupational Therapists who support our children to access all of these self-help activities.
Physical Development
We have very individualised targets to support children with their physical development. We have regular input from physiotherapists who give training and advice on maintaining or increasing levels of balance and mobility, whilst providing specialist equipment where needed.
Children at Two Rivers Primary School also have the opportunity to go to Conkers, swimming, have weekly Rebound therapy sessions (onsite) and horse riding. These are the most motivating ways we can ensure are children are moving and keeping healthy.
Understanding of the World
We aim to provide the children at Two Rivers Primary School with lots of outdoor learning opportunities; we find that children can develop their curiosity about the world when they are motivated, engaged and actively learning.
We have many long term links in our local community. The children visit the library and have regular trips to the shop to practice buying healthy snack items for the class.
Religious Education, people and communities, technology and the world are all covered through this curriculum area.
Expressive Arts and Design
We love being creative whenever we can and we promote this through our weekly music therapy sessions, from our specialist Carlence. The children love to take part in performances and show their skills to each other. Each year, we focus on performance, and ensure that our learners get to show and experience their performance skills to different audiences.
Another physical aspect to our curriculum is MOVE, through this programme we aim for all children, whatever their starting point, to gain some independent movement. The objective is for all children to have movement for functional purposes and to improve their engagement in the world around them.