Online Safety Support
It can be increasingly difficult for schools and parents to stay ahead of online threats and ensure both children and staff are safeguarded from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material. We at Two Rivers High School are committed to support our young people and their parents and carers.
We have subscribed to the National Online Safety Platform which provides pupils, staff, parents, carers and the wider community with access to the most current guidance and resources.
Parents and carers have been sent the sign-up link via Reach More Parents. However, this can also be requested at the school office.
The National Online Safety platform provides support around apps, games and devices. As well as training and advice around online safety matters including what to look out for, how to address online safety issues and support young people.
In addition, we want to inform you about the safeguarding 4 c's. These topics are covered within the online safety curriculum.
Here is an example of the YouTube guide for parents and carers. There are over 220 guides and these are constantly added to.
Reporting Online Safety Concerns
You can raise concerns with us at Two Rivers High School by ringing us directly or speaking to your pupils form tutor. This information will then be passed onto Kate Spencer (Designated Safeguard Lead) and Mrs Milton (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).
You can also report online concerns via these platforms/ organisations.
Professionals Online Safety Helpline | SWGfL - Co-funded by the European Commission, The Professionals Online Safety Helpline (POSH) was set up in 2011 to help all members of the community working with or for children in the UK, with any online safety issues they, or children and young people in their care, may face. So if you work with children and young people, we're here to help you.
Revenge Porn Helpline | SWGfL - Call us on 0345 6000 459 we're open Monday to Friday from 10 am till 4pm. - report any hurtful content
Report terrorist or extremist content online – Action Counters Terrorism ( - report terrorist or extremist content
Internet Watch Foundation IWF - Eliminating Child Sexual Abuse Online | IWF - report any Sexual Abuse Online
Or ring the Police directly emergency 999 or for non-emergency 101.