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Two Rivers High School

Curriculum Statement

Two Rivers High School

World Studies Curriculum Statement


The Equals Moving On 14+ Curriculum is organised into five programmes each covering work notionally for one year, i.e. Traveller, Explorer, Adventurer, Voyager and Globetrotter. The programmes incorporate subject areas taken from three Courses of Study:

Independent living

  • Personal, Social and Health Education
  • Citizenship
  • Leisure & Recreation
  • Daily Living Skills

Vocational studies

  •  Work Skills
  • Careers Education & Guidance / Post School Planning.

World Studies

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Foreign Cultures
  • Creativity
  • Humanities



World studies comprises of various topics at each stage of learning. The study of these subjects will allow students with learning difficulties to take responsibility for themselves, others and their environment and understanding their place within it; thus, allowing them to develop an awareness of the ability which we can appreciate, control and change the world. Through the experience and knowledge gained students will have the opportunity to develop confidence, self-esteem, foster positive attitudes and values and express feelings and emotions in a variety of ways. This area is important to students as it contributes to a broad, balanced and age-appropriate curriculum for students aged 14+ years. Where students have difficulty accessing knowledge at higher levels of achievement, they will be given a wide range of experiences to enrich their lives according to their age, needs, abilities and aptitudes.



Through this area the student will:

  •  Develop an understanding of their place in the living world in relation to the past and present including their local communities.
  •  Develop the student’s knowledge and understanding of the natural and man-made world and its resources.
  • Appreciate and enjoy the expressive arts.
  • Develop an awareness of the inner self and acquire insights into the wonder of the world by developing an appreciation of the world and its people.
  • Have the opportunities to explore, select and safely use appropriate materials for specific purposes.
  • Experience and appreciate the language and lifestyles of other cultures.
  • Explore the effect their actions may have on their environment.
  • Utilise the knowledge, understanding and skills gained to enhance their lives as adults.
  • Develop moral and spiritual awareness.