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Two Rivers High School

Curriculum Statement

     Two Rivers High School 

French Curriculum Statement 


The French curriculum develops not only self-determination and memory skills but also enables students to take risks therefore developing their confidence.  As global citizens, students will learn to communicate effectively and have a deeper understanding of people from different backgrounds, the French language and culture.   


We aim for all students to: 

  • understand grammar and apply it in different contexts.  

  • communicate effectively in writing for a variety of purposes across a range of specified contexts. manipulate the language using and adapting a variety of structures and vocabulary with increasing frequency  

  • interact effectively in speech; initiate and develop conversations, ask and answer questions, respond to unexpected questions.  

  • identify the overall message, key points, details and opinions in a variety of short and longer spoken or written passages.  

  • deduce and infer meaning from a variety of spoken or written texts.  

  • translate into and out of the target language. 


The ambitious curriculum, the strong progression and focus on key language skills ensure that pupils know more language and gain the confidence to use it independently. At the same time the strong cultural focus helps pupils to build knowledge of the countries where French is spoken. The inclusion of authentic materials such as poems and songs, cultural quizzes and videos featuring a group of French teenagers mean that cultural content is woven through the modules. 


Our curriculum intentionally teaches pupils to manipulate vocabulary and grammar independently, with the goal of ultimately enabling them to express their true ideas in French. We aim for a strong knowledge of grammar and sentence construction that allows pupils to communicate confidently and articulately with others, both at home and abroad.