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Tamworth Nursery Two Rivers EYFS

About Us

Welcome to Tamworth Nursery

A very warm welcome on behalf of the children, staff and Governors of Two Rivers EYFS and Tamworth Nursery. We are a generic special needs school and assessment nursery catering for children aged 2-5 years with needs in the primary areas of cognition and learning or social interaction and communication – but we also support learners with physical and sensory needs.  We work to serve the Tamworth community and admissions to the Nursery and School are made through the SEND team in Staffordshire.   Our approach is child-centred with enjoyment, achievement and support being at the core of all we do.  SEND keys workers contacts for Tamworth can be found here:

SEND Keyworker Contacts | Staffordshire Connects

Two Rivers EYFS is part of the Two Rivers Primary School, and all children in Reception will have an EHCP already in place.  The children at Tamworth Nursery (collocated on our Torc Campus) will be provided with an assessment and early intervention place.  Here staff liaise with other professionals to support children with additional needs and work to enable smooth progression to an appropriate placement in either mainstream nursery/school or special school.  Admissions to Tamworth Nursery are made through referral to the Early Years Forum.  Information about this service can be found here:

It is important to us that we work closely with professionals and families to help support the development of our children and feel very fortunate to have support from all.  If you have any questions, concerns, or would like any more information, please contact me and I will be delighted to help.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Melanie Brindley – Lead Teacher